Volume 56: Red Ruthenia part 1

The first part of the monograph covers a large and diversified area that extends from the line connecting Turka, Sambor and Sokal in the west, to the Seret River in the east, and is limited by the Carpathians and the Dniestr in the south, and Volhynia in the north. These borders were delimited to the editors of sources collected by Kolberg by the monographs published earlier by Kolberg (‘The Chełm Region’, ‘The Przemyśl Region’ and ‘Volhynia’) and also by dialectological criteria. Lviv was the historic, economic and cultural center of the region. Kolberg conducted the field research himself in the years 1861-1880; nevertheless, he did not complete them, although he visited the region frequently (totally nine times) during a pretty long period of time. The volume includes materials for the four chapters of the monograph: The Country, The People, Customs and Rites. Most of the source material published here concerns the so-called ”haiłkas”, that is, Easter games and plays of teenagers, and wedding rites from 14 different places and surroundings. Descriptions of customs and rites are accompanied by 664 songs. Besides Kolberg’s own records which he collected most plentifully in Zadwórze and Barysz, materials excerpted from the works of Polish and Ukrainian researchers of Red Ruthenia, preserved in the manuscript files, were published in the volume.